Arrowroot powder

Ingredients: Arrowroot powder

How-to-Use: Mix with water and take it empty stomach. See detailed instuctions below

Health Benefits: Good during loose motions and heat strokes.

Regular price Rs. 99.00
Sale price Rs. 99.00 Regular price
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Product description

Pacifies Pitta Dosha or decreases heat in the body. Effective in controlling loose motions. Can be used as thickening agent in sweets such as custards, fruit salads. Builds immunity

How to Use

1. Take one tablespoon of powder and clean the powder by soaking it in water for five minutes and then throw away the water. Repeat the process for 2-3 times. And then soak that powder in water over night and drink next day morning on empty stomach by adding Mishri powder. In case of diabetes no need to add mishri powder.

2. To add taste to this, you can add soaked Sabja (Chia/Basil) seeds as well.

3. This powder after rinsing thoroughly with water as mentioned above, can be used as thickening agent, in place of corn starch. Can be used in custards as well.

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